What Kind of Person is a Phone Sex Operator?

Despite how common phone sex is, becoming a phone sex operator is hardly a top career choice in today’s society. Learning the trade of the phone sex operator is not necessarily something one can major in while attending college, nor is it a career that can be easily discussed at the dinner table. To people of a conservative nature, it might not even be considered a real job, but that opinion is something that has to do with the ignorance of the opinionated, not for lack of required skill and practice by the operator. Of course, it is a real and respectable job that society has a hard time coming to terms with, despite producing such a high demand for the product. In fact, phone sex is a multi-billion dollar industry. It’s an important element in the financial infrastructure for many countries. It employs millions of people and feeds millions of families. So, while the skills required to become a phone sex operator are not necessarily taught at universities, it’s a viable job for many. But, it’s not a job for everyone. To be a phone sex operator, and a good one at that, a person needs to have an innate ability to perform the job along with a capacity for learning. In the end, phone sex is a job in customer service, performance, and sociology. There are several personal qualities an operator must possess in order to ace the job. 

[RELATED: How to Talk on a Phone Sex Line If You’re Shy]


An open mind

Having an understanding of nature and an open mind is one of the most important elements to this job. Because the job requires the catering to sexual fantasies, there is truly no boundary that a customer might not try to cross. So long as everything is legal, an operator must remain non-judgemental when his/her customer is describing their most desired sexual fantasy. Hopefully, if someone is looking to work in this industry in the first place, he/she already has an open mind. But, no matter how open a person is, there will likely always be parts of this job that are shocking. Therefore, it’s also important to always act like there is no judgment, even when there is. 


Ability to perform

Speaking of acting, a phone sex operator must also be a great performer. Performing for others in a sexual space can be very tricky as it is, but it is so much harder to give a good performance over the phone! This is because there are far less tools at the performer’s disposal than a regular actor. Phone sex operators must function as sexual voice actors who push and prod at the fourth wall. It’s no easy feat! In order to pull this off, a phone sex operator must have command of both language and imagination. He/she will need to constantly conjure up images and emotions for customers through the power of speech. More than that, he/she will have to practice emitting a strong sexual presence in his/her voice. 


Incredible patience 

When it comes to the sexual market, customers are often impatient and can be aggressive. Their priority is to accomplish a release of tension, and occasionally it comes at the disposal of an operator’s patience. There are going to be customers who push buttons simply because it turns them on. It takes a special kind of person to be able to absorb that blow and calmly get the customer on the right track in a way that is both beneficial to the customer and respectful of themselves as operators. This ability to handle and manage frustration is actually a very common thread that is woven throughout the customer service industry, sexual or otherwise. 


Schedule flexibility

The fact that phone sex operators can work on a flexible schedule is normally one of the most appealing factors when applying for the job. However, if an operator really wants to make money, he/she must be available during prime phone sex hours. Those hours are typically very late at night and bleed into the wee hours of the morning. It’s fantastic for single mothers or people with day jobs, but the hours are so unique that they can also prove very difficult and exhausting. A successful operator must be able to withstand the timing demands of the job without flatlining or losing the energy required to perform. 


Profound creativity 

We mentioned earlier that a good phone sex operator needs to be a great performer. In the performance realm comes an understanding that creativity is also required; however, the type of creativity called upon for this particular job is very unique. For example, an operator, of course, needs to be able to verbally communicate an imagined space and action, but that is not where the creativity ends. The operator needs to keep his/her caller turned on an interested both for the satisfaction of the customer, but also to get the most out of the call as an operator. Some phone sex operators keep toys and noise-makers nearby to simulate different sounds required for different fantasies. For example, operators might knock a chair against a table to simulate a bed-rocking noise in order to further excite the caller.