How To Get Hot Girls To Talk To You

Women, they are a mystery, aren’t they? It can seem as though you and the entire female population are speaking two completely different languages, and that can be pretty intimidating. What’s the reason for the two different languages thing? Well, women operate on a level that is emotional, while men are a bit more visual and physical. I’ll provide an example that I actually know a thing or two about… Phone sex. For phone sex to work for men, there has to be a ton of physical and visual descriptions. You want to know how things feel and how they look. For women, they often need a reference point perhaps to a past relationship. They can draw upon the memory and how they felt emotionally and sexually at the time and they will have a great phone sex experience. These differences could be why men and women are on such different wavelengths when it comes to communication, especially communication about or leading to sex.

Adding to the mess is the fact that lots of women, especially the ones you want to sleep with, are sexy. Attractiveness can make people very nervous because there’s an assumption around the idea that if someone is hot, their life is easier. Beautiful women have it extremely easy, breezing through life with total ease and hotness. While that’s probably not entirely the case, there’s some truth around that idea. Attractive people do get more attention, they are often considered more trustworthy, and they probably can get certain things to come to them more easily than unattractive people. Women, both hot and not so hot, are usually pretty good at getting what they want from men. Maybe that’s why hot women are so difficult to talk to, flirt with, and have sex with.

So, are you someone who gets really nervous when attempting to flirt with a sexy woman? Are you scared they’ll reject you before you even get to chat with them? It’s a pretty daunting unhealthy place to be in, and one that is rarely addressed correctly. Feeling nervous around beautiful women doesn’t need to be how you feel, but it’s also something that’s not going to change simply because you wish it would. Nerves are almost always involuntary, and so they need to be managed with some practice rather than will. Practicing speaking to beautiful women is going to be your best shot at getting around this. And, the best way to practice is via phone sex.

Here’s the thing about phone sex (especially phone sex with an operator)… It’s something that you can take on from the comfort of your own home. You don’t have to go out and put yourself in a position where you could likely feel emotionally scarred because you can have phone sex in the comfort of your own home in your own bed! There’s no reason to feel frightened or nervous when you know that you are safe and have an easy escape from the situation which is as easy as clicking a button (AKA hanging up the phone). Phone sex is not all that expensive either, and there are tons of lines with free trials. So really, there’s not much to lose by trying it out. If you’ve got a small amount of cash, some space to be alone, and the ability to speak, you can definitely have some epic phone sex! And, you should absolutely try. There are operators waiting for you to talk to them right now. If you are nervous about phone sex in general, you should check out our phone sex guide!

How can phone sex help me talk to hot girls in real life?

It’s amazing how many people aren’t keyed into this huge hack on how to talk to hot girls in real life Phone sex is an amazing way to practice for so many awesome reasons. We already kind of got into how you can do it from the safety of your own home, but there is a multitude of other reasons.

  1. Phone Sex Operators ARE Hot Ladies: They say practice makes perfect, and they’d be right! The thing is, most good phone sex operators are gorgeous themselves and you will subconsciously be gaining confidence in talking to hot women by just practicing on hot phone sex operators! It will integrate into your mind and stick like muscle memory so that when you are in person with a sexy lady, you’ll have the confidence to just talk to her because you’ve spent so much time doing it anyway!
  2. You Gain Sexual Confidence: As you spend more time talking to phone sex operators, you’ll gain some sexual confidence in a couple of different ways. For one, you’ll become more familiar with phrases and words that sound sexy while flirting, and you’ll also get pretty good at dirty talk. But also, talking with a phone sex operator often will allow sexiness to just slip into the natural rhythm of conversation, giving you the ability to sound super sexy in everyday conversation. Knowing that you are capable of this will make it easy to talk to hot girls!
  3. You Learn What Women Like: Speaking with a phone sex operator is a great way to test how women respond to certain things. You can be really open with your PSO, almost as if she is a therapist and ask her how she feels about certain things you say. It’s your time that you paid for, so why not use it to your advantage! You’ll also be able to gauge how she genuinely responds to your flirty banter.
  4. Get Comfortable Flirting: As you have more and more phone sex, you’ll begin to realize that phone sex isn’t just about jumping in and talking dirty. It isn’t just about fantasies either. There’s a lot of conversational foreplay and talking that go into phone sex in order to make it great. In other words, you’ll naturally learn how to flirt with a woman!
  5. Discover Your Own FantasiesAs you delve deeper into the world of phone sex, you’ll also realize that there’s so much sexiness in the world that you may not have previously discovered. You’ll come to realize that there are fantasies you are into and things you aren’t, and you may not have thought about this before. Knowing what you like will add to your confidence when speaking to a beautiful woman because not all beautiful women will be able to fulfill your needs, and you’ll be able to know when to walk away from the girls who can’t please you.


There isn’t a ‘cure all’ for nervousness, but phone sex is definitely something that is going to help you. It’s actually used as a way for people with social anxiety to face their fears because, again, they can do so form the comfort of their own homes! Hot girl anxiety is also a form of that social anxiety, making phone sex a really great practice for you mentally. Soon enough, you’ll be dripping in the sexual confidence needed to get the girl, and you’ll realize that your innate inner-confidence will actually draw the women who turn you on TO YOU. Phone sex is a wonderful way to cut the BS in half when it comes to flirting, ooze sexuality, and get the girls… which is really what you want at the end of the day!!


If you are looking for some practice, we suggest either calling a phone sex line with a free trial OR you can call an erotic line!