Why Someone’s Voice Turns You On On An Erotic Phone Chat Line

When it comes to phone sex, there are just certain voices that turn you on. You don’t even have to be in a room with someone to be attracted to them, and if you call an erotic number you can just be turned on by a mere voice. There are several ways that phone sex can turn you on – before you even have the sex! I am here to talk about phone foreplay ladies and gents, and the lead in to initiating phone sex. These are the reasons why phone sex might be on your mind after a call, when before a call you weren’t even thinking about it! 

This applies whether you are speaking to your partner or if you are calling a phone sex number.


If someone is attracted to your voice, it is often because you are confident and charismatic. Your self-assurance shines through, and people can pick up the confident vibe, which is very sexy. With a little swagger to your voice, they can enjoy picturing how hot the person on the other end of the erotic call is. This is how phone sex professionals make their mula, trust me! 

Tone Of Voice

Related to confidence, the tone of a person’s voice can tell you a lot about a person. Women are generally more attracted to a low tone of voice on men, and men generally appreciate a sultry, breathy tone on an erotic phone number from women. And you can experience this if you are single or don’t have anyone in mind to call. That’s because no matter what type of tone you are personally into, you can find it by calling a phone sex number.

Make a Connection

There are definitely connections to be made by listening to a voice. The person at the other end of the phone can turn you on just by talking. When you hear their voice, you can make a picture in your head of what they look like, and the words they say can make them even more attractive. Ask them what they are wearing, and what they are into, and find out their vulnerable secrets. 

They Sound Hot

Our brains are amazing computers, and we can create a picture in our head just from a voice. By listening carefully you can often construct a body to go along with any voice. This makes the phone sex even more fun!

What They Say

If you are looking for phone sex on an erotic line, it is not just HOW someone talks, but what they say. Intelligent people sound sexier, and you definitely want to find someone that says things you agree with. 

No matter what type of voice greets you during phone sex, you will be in for a great conversation. Throw the same thing back at your partner, with a sexy tone, intelligent line of conversation, and a little flirting to go along with it!