What to Do If You Freeze?

There is absolutely no way you can talk to someone on the regular and not have some bouts of silence between the two of you. This is also true for anyone new that you talk with on, let’s say, a phone sex line! Now, whether you find it more awkward when that happens in person – when you are looking straight at your S.O. – or when you have a phone and a bunch of technology standing between the two of you, is neither here nor there because we are here to talk specifically about phone sex. What exactly are you supposed to do if you freeze in the middle of a heated moment? It happens in person, so to think it won’t happen over the phone occasionally would just be plain silly. We have compiled a list of ways to recover in case you trip over your own words, your mind goes blank or you suddenly become self-conscious. 


Get Back To Basics

Don’t forget you need to have your basics in your back pocket, (metaphorically speaking,) so that if you freeze up, you can reference something that might be a bit more obscure and mundane, but has to do with the character you are playing and is just enticing enough to get him/her talking again. This way you have a moment to gather yourself before stepping in and crushing the rest of your phone sex sesh. 
Always, we repeat, always make sure you go over your backstory before your phone call if you can. Better yet? Whenever you think of another character you want to add into the mix, write it down in a notebook you can one day show to your phone sex hottie if you ever decide to meet up in person. It’s better to be overly prepared and confident going in than it is to go in blindly if you’re afraid of the dark. Baby steps will be just fine. And if you are a pro, then that means you understand just how important it is to commit to your character and have a backstory. You want your partner to be like your scene partner; you both need to stay in it in order to receive that applause at the end of the scene…if ya feel us.


Believe In Yourself And They Will Too! 

This is a simple rule that you should really apply to all aspects of your life; They’ll believe it if you do! If you “walk into” the situation with confidence, chances are, nobody is going to question you. So whether you are playing the poor helpless maiden or the leather boot, camouflage-wearing, gun-toting badass, if you commit to the role, your partner will find whatever you are doing to be enticing and sexy. If you’re ever feeling insecure, just remember to commit. If you go all in, you will get everything you need out of your phone sex partner. 


Don’t Try To Recover!

That’s right. Let it be awkward. Let it be funny. Laugh at yourself and let your phone sex partner know that they should feel free to laugh at your misfortune as well. This will only serve you in the long run. It is sure to get the conversation flowing more freely, resulting in a more fulfilling sex life. Just remember that it is okay to be human and that you shouldn’t expect phone sex to be perfect and rehearsed like it is in the movies. Sure, the act of uttering these words that (really do) turn you into a sex goddess/god can feel really uncomfortable at first, and it’s okay if it takes you a while to find your footing. Laugh it off. We’ve all been there.