What To Do (And What Not To Do) During Phone Sex

If you want to have phone sex and aren’t sure exactly how to go about it, rest assured that it is easier than you think. It may take some getting used to, but if you follow the do’s and don’t below, you will have satisfying phone sex, and you and your partner will grow even closer than ever! Phone sex is a great way to build a bond that only the two of your share and is a good way to be intimate together. This is especially true if you are trying phone sex with your long-distance partner

Be Present

If you and your partner have decided to have phone sex, then it is important that you are present in the moment. If you want to make that connection with someone who is, for whatever reason, not available, then do your best to put everything else aside and just focus on the moment. This will lead to intimacy that can truly be mind-blowing and will set you up for a connection that is beyond your wildest dreams. Plus, it will bring you even closer in the relationship. That’s why I often suggest scheduling phone sex in advance so that you can both be IN the moment. 

Take it Slow

You don’t have to dive right into the crazy stuff (that can come later if you want!). The most important thing to remember about phone sex, in addition to being present, is to take it slow. There is no need to rush, and the road is even more exciting if you go slowly. Turn your partner on by teasing and drawing out the experience so they are begging you to finish with them. Phone sex can be such a great way to build communication. 

Use Your Imagination

Obviously, you are not together in person, and this can be a downer, but if you use your imagination, you can paint the picture of the scene that will bring your partner to a climax with just your words. This can also reverberate when you finally get each other back in the bedroom, and you can use your imagination together!

Don’t Just Start Without Asking

Consent is very important. If you are ready to try phone sex, make sure you talk about it first. This could be very traumatizing if you start right in and realize the other person isn’t interested at all, or if they are embarrassed to try it. Good communication dictates that you should ask first!

Don’t Be Overly Vulgar

If your partner agrees to phone sex, the other thing to keep in mind is that you don’t want to overdo it. Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should take things to a vulgar level, especially if the other person is not ready. 

Follow these simple do’s, and don’ts of phone sex above, and you will find a whole new way to be intimate with your partner. Improve communication and your love life when you finally get into the same room!