Hello Turkeys! As I am writing this, I am getting ready to celebrate a lovely Thanksgiving with my family. It got me thinking about ex’s and such. 2020 is a little different… of course. Thanksgiving is not going to be what most people are used to. Traveling to your hometown and running into that old flame isn’t on most people’s agendas this year. You probably didn’t see that person you used to fool around with at the local dive bar. There’s always that question for single people as to whether or not they should engage physically with an old partner. That experience isn’t on the table for a lot of folks during this unique Thanksgiving celebration. But it still got me thinking. Is having phone sex with an ex something that you should take part in?
Having phone sex is an intimate experience the same way IRL (in-real-life). It’s divulging your innermost sexual fantasies to a person and opening yourself in unique ways. You are virtually masturbating in front of someone else. This is something I do on a daily basis as the phone sex queen. But it’s not lost on me that it can be very intimidating for people who don’t have phone sex on a daily basis.
I suppose before you consider having phone sex with someone you used to be involved with, you should ask yourself if you’d have sex with that person in real life. You need to weigh the consequences and figure out if what you are inviting is worth the phone sex itself. As a fan of erotic dirty talk, I am team phone sex all the way. But, maybe you want to call a phone sex line instead of approaching your ex for that sort of sexual favor. Below you will find a list of things to consider before calling an ex for phone sex:
Is This Totally Random?
You might not want to call someone completely out of the blue and ask them for phone sex when they aren’t expecting it. Calling up your ex because you are bored and attempting to initiate phone sex might end up seeming really strange to the other person. If you two aren’t in contact at all anymore… it’s even weirder. If you haven’t already been flirting with your ex, then don’t call them for phone sex. Doing so sort of breaks all the societal rules of how to handle an ex in the first place.
Have You Two Ever Done It Before?
Also random is asking someone for phone sex if it’s not something the two of you have ever tried before. If you have never had phone sex with the person you are about to call, they might find it strange that you are asking now. Suppose you have been flirting with this old flame for a while and you bring up the idea of phone sex. How do you think that person will take it? If they’ve always been adventurous, it might go your way. But if they’ve never tried it before, they might feel offended.
Will They See It As Something More?
Are you prepared for the fact that your ex might see phone sex as something more than it is? People try to have phone sex with old partners because on the surface it feels less serious than being actually intimate in person. They think that phone sex is casual and won’t invite any notion that the two of you would ever get back together. But the opposite is true. Phone sex is a very intimate experience and requires a great deal of aftercare between people who are not professionals in the field. Your ex is likely going to feel a need for a conversation after you do have phone sex. If you are looking to get serious with this person again, that might not be a problem for you.
Remember…phone sex with an ex is like having sex with an ex. It’s not exactly the same but the ideas mirror each other. You need to ask yourself if you are prepared for the potential aftermath that can come from being intimate with someone you are no longer with!