New Ways To Play

There are so many ways to have great phone sex, and on the flip side of that, there are just as many ways to have some…shall we say….dull conversations on the phone that will not end in a climax for either you or your phone sex lover. Sometimes we can overcomplicate things and our minds run wild with the possibility that we aren’t pleasing our partner enough. Today, we are going to go back to some of the basics. You don’t have to constantly think of new crazy ways to excite your partner when everything you need is right here in your noggin. These categories below are broad, and they’re meant to be that way. Fill in the blanks and always remember…fantasies are abundant, places to have sex in/on are abundant and positions available to have said sex in are also abundant. So relax, get in tune with what kind of sex you would want to have if there were absolutely no limits, communicate that to your partner, and then get onto the fun stuff!


The Explanation

Set up the scene for both you and your partner with dirty talk. Where have you always wanted to have sex with them? Maybe you strip down to your skivvies together in an old library, the movie theatre or even go a bit more sinister and choose somewhere like a graveyard. Your imagination is the only limit with this one. Remember: You are in charge; you get to create the story, you get to paint the picture that you want and then you can either continue to dominate the convo or pass it off to your already worked-up lover. So…if you have a particular scenario in mind, (as we all do, let’s be honest here,) it’s time to whip that baby out and let ‘er fly. If you’re worried your boo won’t be into doing the nasty in this way in person, this is the perfect time to see how he/she reacts to the scenario when it is brought up during your phone sex convo. Why not kill two birds with one stone?


The Question

Let your partner set up the scenario for you. Not everybody feels comfortable starting it off; these types of conversations can make one feel quite vulnerable. You always want both parties to feel excited, and although some nerves may come along with that, if your partner’s nerves are getting in the way of their pleasure, it’s time to take back control. Before you delve into your phone sex session, ask your partner how he/she feels about taking the lead. If they don’t feel comfortable, ask them if they have any fantasies you want to help them explore. Who knows, by you being so upfront and honest prior to sexy time, they might just start to feel a bit more comfortable with helping you narrate.



Sometimes talking isn’t necessary. Of course, talking is a LOT more necessary during phone sex than it is during regular sex for obvious reasons, but that doesn’t mean that talking is the end all be all. Maybe you’re missing your partner and just want to hear their breath and their moans as you indulge in a bit of self-pleasure. Maybe you have told one another how much you want each other, have gotten one another a bit worked up, and have decided to get to work with your noises as background noise for one another, helping each other to achieve climax. Maybe you’re both not that comfortable voicing your sexual needs just yet. Whatever the case may be, sometimes just hearing the noises coming from your lover on the other end of the phone is just as good, if not better than talking throughout. Close your eyes and pretend you are in a room together.