Different Places To Have Phone Sex With Your Babe

Phone sex can be a little…..vanilla. Especially if you are used to being adventurous with your partners in person. However, there is no reason you can’t bring that sense of adventure and excitement into the metaphorical bedroom that is your phone. It just takes a bit of finesse, but as soon as you open yourself up to the possibility that phone sex can be about more than just the words you say and can be heavily, (and sexily,) influenced by the environment around you, a whole new world will unfold at your feet. There is no way you will ever have to fight your way through boring phone sex ever again. It’s time to switch it up and flip the script; we aren’t confined to our kitchen island while talking on phones anymore. So it’s time to venture outside of your apartment and rub one out with your phone sex babes.

Public Restroom
A public restroom is the perfect place to do literally anything at all that may seem the slightest bit sketchy. Take advantage of this by indulging in some adult fun with your phone sex babe in between drinks with your pals at the bar or during a quick trip to the bathroom prior to dessert.

Bookstore/Public Library
This one surely comes to mind because of all of the movies and tv shows that have used libraries as the characters’ means of copulation. This one is especially fun for phone sex because you have to be quiet, but there are so many places to hide while getting down to business, sometimes even in plain view. From behind a bookshelf to sitting at a desk, the risk is definitely worth the reward with this one. Don’t forget to include your surroundings into your phone sexcapades. It will only make it that much hotter. Plus, what’s the point of putting in the effort to have phone sex anywhere other than in your bed if you’re not going to use the props and set that you have surrounded yourself with that day?

The Busy Streets Of….
Both partners don’t always get off during sex or phone sex, but that doesn’t make it any less fun. This one is more of a, “I’m busy but I’m horny and in a giving mood today,”-type vibe. Picture this: you’re walking down the street, talking dirty to your phone sex partner, passing people left and right, unaware of what they heard and what got lost in the hustle, knowing that you are pleasing your partner while also getting excited yourself. Doesn’t sound too bad to us.

Office Space
If you have an office and a desk, use it to your advantage. It’s as simple as that. Plus, you can send hot office nudes!

Put your babes on Bluetooth/speakerphone and get to work while driving to work. We spend so much time in our cars and they happen to be the perfect place to reach for that big O you’ve been needing in order to de-stress a bit. Not many will actually be able to see what you are doing, but you will feel like they can as you make eye contact with the people in the cars that are driving by. What a thrill!

What we are really saying is….any place you would consider having sex is a place you should also consider having phone sex. The thrill, the ability to be caught, the orgasm….it’s all the same; it just so happens that instead of touching someone else, you have to touch yourself, and vice-a-versa. Get wild with your phone sex and keep both yourself and your phone sex lover on the edge of your seats. Don’t let the phone sex get dull. You don’t want that phone death we’ve all been warned about, (bed death…get it?).